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Scoliosis Screening

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Affordable Scoliosis Screening For Children

Scoliosis Screening For Children in ChicagoScoliosis screenings are incredibly important for children between the ages of 9 and 16, as these are the ages that Scoliosis typically becomes noticeable. As with many conditions, the earlier scoliosis is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and reduce complications. Here is everything you need to know about scoliosis, and how to get help if you are concerned about your child’s health.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curve in the spine that occurs in approximately 3% of children. It can occur at any age but is most noticeable during growth spurts between ages 9 and 16. It is technically defined as a curve of 11 degrees or more and is caused by the spine twisting or bending during growth. Scoliosis can make the chest, waist, and shoulders of the child look uneven as the spine grows.

While there is no cure for scoliosis, early detection is key, and most children will not suffer any harmful long-term effects. Scoliosis is not always painful, especially in mild cases, but back pain can occur and a specialist should be consulted if that is the case.

How is Scoliosis Detected?

Scoliosis screening tests are conducted by a trained professional, usually a pediatrician, a school nurse, or a physical therapist. It is a short, noninvasive procedure in which the screener will observe the child from all sides, examine their posture, look for asymmetries, and then test your child’s mobility. The child should be wearing light and comfortable clothes that allow the screener to properly see any abnormalities, such as gym clothes.

What if Scoliosis is Detected?

An infogarphic defining a healthy back of a human compared to Thoracic Scoliosis, Lumbar Scoliosis, Combined Scoliosis and Thoraco-Lumbar ScoliosisIf signs of scoliosis are detected, there is no need to panic, as the screener will be able to provide information about the next steps and there are numerous scoliosis treatment options. In many cases, the doctor will just monitor the spinal curve, and the child will be able to live a normal life as the spine gradually corrects itself.

Depending on the severity of the scoliosis, an X-ray may be ordered to see how the curvature progresses, a brace can be used to prevent the scoliosis curve from worsening. If the curve progression worsens, a doctor may recommend surgical treatment to prevent degenerative scoliosis, but this is only in the most extreme cases, which are quite rare.

Scoliosis Screening at Our Sports Injury Centers

If you are concerned about your child’s spinal health or wish to get a screening for scoliosis, then call one of our four locations to get a scoliosis exam in the Chicago area. We have spinal experts at each of our offices, and they will be able to perform a non-radiographic scoliosis evaluation for your child. This procedure is just a $10 charge, with 50% of that charge going directly to a children’s charitable donation.

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