Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers

Aspen Laser Therapy in Chicago

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Aspen Infrared Laser Therapy

The Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers of Chicago is dedicated to providing our patients with modern and effective treatment options. Aspen Laser and Infrared Laser Therapy are two of the most cutting-edge solutions our chiropractor in Chicago offers for pain problems caused by a number of different conditions, strains, and sprain injuries. Also referred to as cold or MLS laser therapy, our Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers offices are happy to provide local residents with relief from these spectacular new technologies.

Aspen Laser Therapy

Do you suffer from carpal tunnel, arthritis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, or have less serious pain like a ligament strain or sprain? If obtrusive procedures such as acupuncture, injections, or surgery that often only mask symptoms rather than treating them have not solved the pain you are experiencing, it is time to try Aspen Laser Systems’ High-Intensity Laser Therapy. Aspen’s most popular laser model, The Pinnacle Series Laser System, is available at Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers. This is a Class IV laser.

How Aspen Laser Works

At a technical level, this revolutionary new pain relief treatment delivers light energy units to damaged cells in the form of photons. Once the cells absorb the photons, an increase in cell energy can transform cells from a state of illness to a healthy and stable state. The visible results of this state change are reduced inflammation, increased blood flow, soft tissue growth, and an improvement in the body’s healing process.

The Benefits of Aspen Laser Therapy

The treatment has been shown to produce these effects on numerous parts of the body, including the shoulders, head, neck, back, arms, hands, hips, knees, feet, and ankles. Some of the superior traits that this treatment option boasts include that it is pain-free, affordable, safe, effective, non-invasive, as well as both drug and surgery-free!

The Pinnacle Series Laser System

The Pinnacle Series delivers more energy than other therapy lasers – in fact, it operates at the maximum optimal energy for laser treatment. This lets the procedure provide positive treatment outcomes faster than other forms of healing. More consistent positive clinical outcomes have been a byproduct of these higher-powered lasers providing larger and more efficient dosage levels.

Aspen Laser Therapy at Our Sports Injury Centers

The Pinnacle Series Laser System’s ability to function at a high level through all-day use and its state-of-the-art laser technology has made it a sought-after laser system by many medical practices.

Our chiropractor in Chicago is happy to offer it as a treatment option to our patients – call us today or visit our website to schedule an appointment and see how laser treatment might be a viable treatment option for any short-term or chronic pain you are experiencing. Aspen Laser Systems’ exceptional Class IV laser can help you on the way to living pain-free.

Infrared Laser Therapy

Infrared Laser therapy speeds up the process of nerve-cell reconnection which decreases the time necessary for nerve cells to heal after an injury. Whether you have an acute injury such as a ligament strain, sprain, or carpal tunnel syndrome, or if you have a more serious injury such as a frozen shoulder or arthritis, infrared laser therapy could be right in your recovery journey.

How Infrared Laser Works

Photons of light emitted by therapeutic lasers penetrate deeply into the tissues of the body to stimulate the production centers of individual cells. This stimulation increases the energy available to these cells causing them to absorb nutrients and expel waste products more rapidly. This dramatically accelerates the repair of injured tissue leading to faster tendon, ligament, and muscle healing.

Other therapeutic laser biological effects include increased metabolic activity, faster wound healing, increased vascular activity, reduced fibrous tissue formation, stimulated nerve function, and pain reduction. Depending on the location of the injury, a specific wavelength will be used to penetrate through your skin. Conditions such as joint pain require a deeper penetration, four to five inches below the surface of your skin.

The Benefits of Infrared Laser Therapy

  • Pain relief
  • Accelerated tissue repair and cell growth
  • Improved nerve function
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Improved blood flow
  • Easy to apply
  • Very safe
  • No side effects
  • Non-toxic, non-invasive
  • More than 90% efficacy
  • Reduces the need for surgery
  • Works in conjunction with other forms of therapy such as chiro, acupuncture, and physical therapy

Book an Appointment for Cold Laser Therapy in Chicago, IL

Chicago laser therapy sessions are easy to schedule thanks to our chiropractors. If you have questions about whether or not infrared laser therapy is the right treatment option for you, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our team of professionals will be glad to answer your questions and provide you with more information about this cutting-edge technology.

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