Help Muscle Tension-Chicago Sports Injury Centers

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Relieve Chronic Muscle Tension

Published by Dr. Alden Clendenin

A massage is beneficial for many different reasons, such as your overall health, happiness, and fitness. However, there are different types of massages; one in particular relieves chronic muscle tension, the deep tissue massage. You can make an appointment for deep tissue therapy with a professional chiropractor that has been certified, licensed, and educated to provide such services. The benefits of this type of massage are vast and can include the reduction of blood pressure, stress hormone levels, and your heart rate. It also boosts your mood and relaxation with the release of serotonin and oxytocin.

Chiropractors Provide Great Deep Tissue Massages

A deep tissue massage concentrates on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, fascia, and tendons. Fascia is the protective layer around your joints, muscles, and bones. A deep tissue massage that lasts for 45 to 60 minutes is all it takes to start feeling better. It is important to speak with a chiropractor about the benefits that can improve your health when you schedule a massage. Before a massage is given, it is always best to discuss certain trouble spots so they can be focused on.

What Does a Deep Tissue Massage Feel Like?

A deep tissue massage given by a chiropractor uses deliberate and slow strokes that places a certain amount of pressure on layers of tendons, tissues deep beneath your skin, and muscles. You will find that the massage itself is not as rhythmic as a normal massage, but it is very therapeutic and can relieve chronic tension and pain stemming from back sprain and muscle injuries. In fact, many doctors will recommend that you seek chiropractic care, such as a deep tissue massage, instead of being prescribed pain medication.

The Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage Include the Following:

  • Pain Relief
  • Enhanced Function
  • Improved Sleep
  • Decreased Muscle Spasms
  • Decreased Muscle Tension
  • Aids in the Healing Process
  • Breaks Up Scar Tissue and Adhesions

Reduce Chronic Pain with a Deep Tissue Massage

A deep tissue massage is an affordable pain relief option. It can relieve chronic pain that other conventional medical treatments cannot. A deep tissue massage is known for increasing the blood flow through the body, which can assist in reducing painful inflammation. If you feel tense, this type of massage also relieves tension, often a side effect of chronic pain. The massage itself loosens tissue clusters that are tight. Call Sports Injury Centers today to determine if a deep tissue massage is the right treatment for you!


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