Stronger is For the Better - Strength Training

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3 minutes read

Stronger is For the Better

Published by Dr. Alden Clendenin

Strength Training

Strength training is a useful and healthy way to improve mobility, heal or manage chronic pain caused by physical conditions such as sore muscles and arthritis, promote weight loss, improve mood, and increase strength. At Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers, we offer strength training in the Chicago Loop to our clients as a treatment option because we know how remarkable the benefits can be.

How to Incorporate Strength Training Into Your Life

Strength training exercises consist of two kinds of resistance techniques, including isometric resistance and isotonic resistance. Isometric resistance means you push your muscles to work against an unmoving object. Isotonic resistance is when you use your muscles by working them through a range of motion.

In order to best utilize strength training exercises, at Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers we encourage you to work different exercises and techniques into your routine that are most beneficial to you as an individual. There are many options when it comes to how we undergo strength training, from how long we exercise to what machines we use, if any at all.

Fitting strength training into your lifestyle may seem impossible due to tight schedules, daily commitments, age, budget, or physical limitations. The great thing to note about strength training is that there are many ways to do it. Some exercises incorporate weights, resistance bands, and machines, while many others utilize nothing more than body weight. If a client cannot financially afford a gym membership or sacrifice an hour every day to utilize one, there are at-home workout options, and short but effective exercises that are easy to fit into any schedule.

Strength Training in the Chicago Loop

To fully reap the benefits of strength training, you need to find a professional to help you design your exercise plan. You want someone who can pinpoint how strength training can personally benefit you and what exercises will best fit your physical needs, as well as your lifestyle.

Contact Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers today to get started. Call any one of our four locations or book an appointment online at our website,

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