Visit Your Chicago Chiropractor This Summer! - Sports Chiropractor Chicago & Skokie, IL

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Visit Your Chicago Chiropractor This Summer!

Published by Dr. Alden Clendenin

July may be flying by, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fully enjoy the rest of your summer! Here at Sports Injury Centers, we want to make sure that you feel great throughout the entire year, but especially during the season where you can be outside the whole time. Summer activities can knock a lot out of you, which is why it is important to see your Chicago chiropractor more than once.

Summer Tips

When you are having fun outside, it is hard to remember to keep yourself safe. Water and sunscreen are your two best friends! It may seem more fun to enjoy mimosas on a patio, but make sure you are hydrating with water or lemon water throughout the day. Alcohol also dehydrates you, so it is even more important to stay fueled. Putting sunscreen on once in the morning won’t be enough if you plan on being outside all day! Always re-apply, especially after being in the water. In addition, look for a mineral sunscreen over a chemical sunscreen.

Health Tips

Summer is the best time for outdoor exercise, especially in Chicago! From playing volleyball on the beach to a run along the lake, nothing can beat it. Stretch daily-you can ask your Chicago chiropractor to give you some great suggestions. Even just taking a daily thirty-minute walk to enjoy the weather and get your body moving is better than nothing!

Most of all have fun! Enjoy the rest of your summer before it turns to snow-it’ll be here before you know it. Take advantage of adjustments and your Chicago chiropractor’s office and notice the difference! Contact Chicago Chiropractic and Sports Injury Centers to set up an appointment today.

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