What is Naprapathy?-Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers

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What is Naprapathy?

Published by Dr. Alden Clendenin

You may or may not have heard a lot about Chiropractic medicine and how treatments like spinal manipulation, joint adjustments, and other techniques can greatly reduce pain and improve mobility. Chiropractic medicine can be used to treat chronic conditions, injuries, and restore full range of motion to restricted joints. Another therapy called naprapathy surfaced around the early 20th century, and though it was developed based on both chiropractic and osteopathic medicine, it is different in many ways.

Is Naprapathy Right for You?

Naprapathic medicine does not focus on fast, intense joint adjustments we typically see in chiropractic medicine. Instead, naprapathy focuses on gentle but deep tissue manipulation, as well as nutritional counseling. Naprapathy is the practice of locating strained and constricted connective tissues, and working on them to return them to their natural state.

Rigid muscles and connective tissues can impair the normal function of nerve pathways, and limit blood and lymph circulation; all of which may cause pain, restriction of movement, inflammation, and impair healing.

Naprapathic medicine is often used to treat spinal issues, like lower back pain, but it can also be used to help treat shoulder pain, whiplash, common sports injuries, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, chronic pain, and many more conditions.

Naprapathy may be a good choice for you if you feel you can tolerate gentle tissue manipulation better than intense joint and bone adjustments commonly done in chiropractic medicine. Naprapathy has also been shown to offer longer lasting results than chiropractic medicine alone. This is because, over time, bones that are moved by chiropractic adjustments can be pushed back into misalignment by surrounding tissue. However, when bones are adjusted through naprapathic medicine, the surrounding connective tissues are also manipulated, ensuring the bone remains in the right place for a much longer period of time.

The Steps

Naprapathy usually consists of three to four steps. These steps include the following:

  • Connective Tissue Manipulation – This is the most physical portion of the practice, as this involves the actual manipulation of soft tissues in and around the injured area.
  • Non-Invasive Therapy Additions – Such additions might include things like laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, or simply applying cold packs in combination with tissue adjustments.
  • Nutrition – Dietary concerns are discussed and suggestions are made to improve nutrition. This may include food supplementation.
  • Rehabilitative Exercise – Exercises designed to improve posture and improve muscle strength and blood flow are taught and employed.

Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers

Are you looking for a trusted location you can go to to undergo naprapathy in Lincoln Park in Chicago? Check out Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers, and learn more about our services today.

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