Whether you’re trying to leave poor eating, spending, or fitness habits behind in 2019, the beginning of 2020 might feel like a fresh start for you. It’s a great idea to set a New Year’s resolution for yourself, but sticking to your goal is sometimes easier said than done. In fact, one-third of New Year’s resolutioners don’t make it past the end of January. Here are a few tips for setting your New Year’s Resolution, from your Chiropractor in Chicago.
Be Specific.
Setting a goal like “I want to lose weight” is not going to be nearly as effective as “I want to lose 5 pounds in the next two months.” No matter what your goal is, creating a clear New Year’s resolution with a specific time frame is more likely to keep you on track.
Make it Measurable.
While this is obvious if your goal involves standing on a scale for weight loss, it’s also important if your goal is non-weightloss related. For example, keep a log of classes you attend at your Chiropractor in Chicago or download an app to keep track of your nutrition and eating habits. Logging progress into a journal or an app can reinforce behaviors to keep you on track.
Make it Achievable.
Trying to take too big of a step too fast can leave you feeling frustrated or discouraged. It is often unrealistic to become a vegan overnight or to save up enough money to retire in five years at the age of 30. Cutting out different meats one at a time or saving an extra $100/month is a better course of action.
Contact Us Today
For more information about how we can serve you in the New Year, please contact your chiropractor in Chicago today!